


"Get the mint.fun pass card easily and double your future airdrop earnings!"

mint.fun is an NFT mint aggregation platform, originating from the Web3 wallet tracking application Context, which has raised $19.5 million in funding. After connecting their wallet, users can mint corresponding NFT collections on mint.fun. The interface is simple and clear, and it provides comprehensive information. Similarly, creators can launch their own NFT projects on mint.fun.

According to reports, mint.fun comes from the Web3 wallet tracking application Context, which is a company that has raised $19.5 million in funding. This funding will help mint.fun continue to grow and provide better services and a wider range of choices, creating more value for users and creators.

Recommendation index: 4 stars

According to Murphy's Law in the cryptocurrency circle: for funded projects, there is a high probability of causing trouble!

Without further ado, let's get started!

This tutorial is not free.

The whole process will cost about 4U!

First, open the website and link your wallet.

Choose the Ethereum mainnet (it is best to have a wallet that has minted NFTs on the mainnet).



Pay the GAS fee, which is about 4-5U.

Here you can see your card points.

If the project airdrops coins in the future, they should be distributed based on rankings and points!

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.