


Base testnet offers free minting of NFTs for CryptoKitties.

Base is a new Ethereum L2, incubated by Coinbase and built on the open-source OPStack protocol.

Base aims to be the on-chain home for Coinbase products, users, and assets, as well as an open ecosystem that anyone can build on. It makes building easy and covers Coinbase users with the help of Coinbase's developer tools.

With 1.36 million Twitter followers, Base claims to have no plans for token distribution. Those who understand, understand. There's no free lunch here!

Below is the tutorial!

First, open the Goerli testnet in the Firefox wallet to claim water. The website will not be shared here, as it is mentioned in previous articles!

Step 1: Add the Base testnet.


Step 2: Open the Base cross-chain address link wallet.

(Change the wallet to the Goerli network here)


Select the amount to start the cross-chain process.

After the transaction is completed, switch to the Base chain and wait for the tokens to arrive (3-5 minutes).

Step 3: Open the NFT website link wallet.

Mint a little cat.

You can choose your own small wallet here. If you find it troublesome, you can transfer it to the address below.


That's all for this tutorial. If you are interested, you can give it a thumbs up!

Follow the official Twitter account of the community.

There are many benefits and lots of giveaways!


Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.